There's nobody here but us chickens.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

On plurals

From Chris Brooke's site:
"Rhinoceros" is the best one, though, when it comes to plurals.

You can pick from "rhinoceroses", "rhinoceros" (unchanged), "rhinocerotes", "rhinocerons" or "rhinocerontes" (though you can't have "rhinoceri", which is what some people, I think, are taught at school -- along with the equally incorrect "octopi").

I asked a friend once what the plural of "rhinoceros" was, and he immediately answered -- quite correctly -- "rhinos".
Thesis coming, coming. And check the sidebar for deli feed - it's updated in real time (as opposed to fake time - I'm an expert on this so don't contradict me) and thus a far higher output than when I was actually trying to add content. Ah the ironing.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Don't complain I'm working

This site has been moribund recently, which is a sign that my thesis is progressing. To allow anyone who would like to tap into my flavours du jour, I've incorporated a feed in the linkbar on the right. The links below "my" are things that have impressed, puzzled or disgusted me on the web. It will update as I add new stuff so even if there is nothing happening on the front page, there will be (minimal) new content on an ongoing basis.

Oh, and give Murky a hand with his new photo game, will you?